Дэн Рамел


Дэн Рамел (англ. Dan Rahmel, род. 1972г.) - американский программист, писатель

Advanced Joomla! (APress)
Beginning Joomla!: From Novice to Professional, 2nd Edition (APress)
Professional Joomla! (Wrox)
Beginning Joomla!: From Novice to Professional (APress)
Nuts and Bolts Filmmaking (Focal Press)
Visual Basic .NET Reference Book, 3rd Edition (Osborne)
Building Web Database Applications with Visual Studio (Osborne)
Visual Basic/VBA/VB Script Reference Book, 2nd Edition (Osborne)
Teach Yourself Visual Basic Database Design in 24 hours (SAMS)
Three-D Business Data Analysis with VRML (Prentice Hall)
Server-side solutions with Visual JavaScript (McGraw-Hill)
Visual Basic/VBA/VB Script Reference Book (Osborne)
Active Platform Sourcebook (John Wiley & Sons)
Visual Basic for Applications 5, “Techniques from the Experts” chapters (QUE)
Teach Yourself Visual Basic 5 (MIS Press)
Using Microsoft Outlook, chapter 28 and chapter 29 (QUE)
Developing Client/Server Applications with Visual Basic 4.0 (SAMS)
Interfacing to the PowerPC Microprocessor (SAMS)


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